The Different Types of Dental Emergencies and What to Do

Dentist in Catoosa OK, Dentist Catoosa OK
What counts as a dental emergency and what are you supposed to do? Learn how to find an emergency dentist in Catoosa, OK here.

Oral diseases affect nearly 3.5 billion people. Meanwhile, about 20% of people suffer from trauma to their teeth at some point. Many people, however, don't know how to recognize these different types of dental emergencies.

Not sure if it's time to visit your emergency dentist in Catoosa, OK? Here are nine dental emergencies to keep an eye out for.

If you or a loved one encounters one of these dental issues, it's time to visit your emergency dentist right away!

Learning about these dental emergencies can help you remain vigilant. After all, you'll never know when an emergency might strike.

Read on to discover nine different types of dental emergencies you might encounter in the future.

1. Lost Crown

A car or sporting accident could cause you to lose a crown or filling. If the crown falls out, try to avoid swallowing it. Instead, visit your dentist right away.

They can place your crown back into its rightful place.

If the crown fell out on its own, you might have tooth decay. Visiting your dentist can help you spot any underlying issues. 

2. Tooth Abscess

When bacteria create a pocket of pus against a tooth (or gums), a tooth abscess can form. When left untreated, you could develop mediastinitis. The mortality rate for patients with mediastinitis increases to 40%.

You might have difficulty breathing. The airway might become compromised, which could require intubation. 

Visit your emergency dentist in Catoosa, OK right away if you develop an abscess.
  • Not sure if you're dealing with a tooth abscess? Common symptoms include:
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • A foul, salty taste
  • Facial swelling
  • Fever
  • Tender, swollen lymph nodes
  • Sensitivity
  • A severe, throbbing toothache
These symptoms could indicate different types of dental emergencies, though. If these symptoms sound familiar, visit your dentist.

They can determine the root cause of the problem.

Otherwise, an abscess can reach the tooth's root, leading to more complications. 

3. Gum Abscess

Remember, you can develop an abscess on a tooth or your gums. Symptoms might include:
  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Pus discharge
  • Fever
  • Sensitivity
Visit your dentist right away if you develop these symptoms. Otherwise, an abscess can weaken your immune system. You could experience complications as a result. 

4. Knocked Out Tooth

An accident might cause you to knock out a tooth. First, make sure to save the tooth.

It's important that you pick the tooth up by the crown, rather than by the root. Next, rinse it clean using water. Don't use soap to clean the tooth.

Instead, place the tooth into a closed container containing milk. 

Call your emergency dentist in Catoosa , OK as soon as possible for an appointment. They could put it back in place with a dental implant. 

5. Toothache

Most people shrug it off when they're dealing with a minor toothache. In many cases, however, toothaches are a symptom of a dental emergency. 

For example, you might have an infection, injury, or tooth decay. You could have exposed roots or a dry socket, too. It's possible you have a toothache due to an impacted wisdom tooth as well.

You'll begin experiencing aches and pains if the tooth's root is irritated. Sometimes, the pain is sudden and sharp. In some cases, the pain is a dull, constant ache instead. 

It's important to visit your dentist in Catoosa, OK if you or a loved one is dealing with a toothache. Otherwise, bacteria in the mouth might spread. Gum disease or dental decay could develop if left untreated. 

Inflammation is the body's reaction to illness or disease. Inflammation can make a toothache worse over time. It might irritate the central portion of the affected tooth, too. 

In addition to a toothache, you might also experience:

  • Swollen glands
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • A headache
  • Fever
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Bleeding or discharge of the gums or tooth
  • Injury or trauma to the area
  • Swelling around a tooth
  • Sensitivity

If these symptoms sound familiar, visit your emergency dentist right away. 

Otherwise, make sure to schedule dentist appointments every six months. Your dentist can spot tell-tale signs of a problem before it can develop further. They can ensure a small toothache doesn't lead to decay or other issues. 

6. Facial Swelling

Your body's immune system can kick in if you develop an infection. Inflammation can occur, which might cause your gums, cheeks, and face to swell. If you experience facial swelling, visit a dentist right away. 

They can determine which types of dental emergencies are causing your inflammation and infection. 

7. Broken or Chipped Tooth

A car or sporting accident could cause you to break or chip a tooth. Sometimes chewing on hard foods can lead to an accident, too. If you break, crack, or chip a tooth, collect any pieces you can.

Then, rinse your mouth using warm water. Rinse the broken piece off to minimize the spread of bacteria, too.

Then, press a cold compress against your face until you can visit your dentist. 

8. Damages Braces

If you or a child has damaged braces, visit your orthodontist or dentist right away. 

Potential problems with your braces can include a loose brand or broken wire. If the wire breaks away from a bracket, it could poke the inside of your cheek. It's important to keep the wire from scratching vulnerable tissues.

Place a cotton ball over the wire until you can visit your dentist in Catoosa, OK.

9. Bleeding Mouth

Have your gums started bleeding recently? Perhaps you notice they're bloody after you brush or floss. It's possible you have gum disease.

Your dentist can determine if you have any food particles trapped under your gums. 

Otherwise, a bleeding mouth might point to inflammation.

In the meantime, press a cold compress against your cheek. Rinse your mouth out using saltwater, too. 

Dental Emergencies: Visit Your Dentist in Catoosa, OK Today

If these different types of dental emergencies sound familiar, don't wait to seek help. Instead, visit your dentist in Catoosa, OK right away. They can help pinpoint the cause of your symptoms.

Then, they can recommend the best course of action to improve your oral health. 

Need to visit your Catoosa, OK emergency dentist right away? We're here for you. 

Request an appointment today to get started. 

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